Court Orders A Lady To Pay N150,000 For Collecting N3,000 Transport Fare From Her Boyfriend And Refused To Visit Him As Promised

The Lady in the Middle is in the court after she was arrested by the Nigerian police Enugu state.Enugu magistrate court ordered her to pay her boyfriend Emeka Nwankwo the sum of N150,000 because emeka Nwankwo gave chinasa nwibeh N3,000 Transportation money to visit him…
The girl ate the money and switched off her phone.

The boyfriend went to near by police station and reported the case..And she was arrested.

So, the court said she should pay N100,000 with an additional interest of N50,000 for emotional damages because the boyfriend was emotionally abused by the absence of the girlfriend.Total is N150,000.

The boyfriend, Emeka Nwankwo brought evidence to the court of the mobile money transfer made to her and all the WhatsApp messages they shared.

The Judge in her ruling said this was done to serve as a deterrent to ladies who indulge in such a stupid act.

Charges imposed on her:

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