Conversion Of Alvan Ikoku, Three Other Colleges Of Education To Federal Universities Of Education
Alvan Ikoku College of Education,
Imo State.
You may wish to recall that during Presidernt Goodluck Jonathan’s Administration, the following four Colleges of Education were upgraded to Federal Universities of Education:
a) Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Ondo State;
b) Federal College of Education, Zaria, Kaduna State;
c) Federal College of Education,, Kano, Kano State; and
d ) Alvan Ikoku College of Education, Owerri. Imo State.
- As you are aware, this was put on hold by President Muhammadu Buhari in 2015.
However, approval had been granted for the reversion of ban placed on the upgrade of
these four Federal Colleges of Education to Federal Universities of Education.

I am therefore directed to invite you to a meeting with the Permanent Secretary
to discuss preliminary steps for implementing the Presidential approval.
The meeting is
scheduled to hold as follows:
Date: Wednesday 7th June, 2023
Venue: Permanent Secretary’s Conference Room, 1 Floor,
Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja
Time: 12.00noon
Please accept the assurances of the Permanent Secretary’s warm regards.
Dr. U. C. Uba
Director (Colleges of Education)
For: Permanent Secretary