Prof Stella Lemchi and Alvan Ikoku varsity’s transformation

Prof Stella Ngozi Lemchi addressing Alvanites during the 2023/24 matriculation of the university

Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education, Owerri, has transformed remarkably since its upgrade into a full-fledged university. CHRIS NJOKU reports on the university’s remarkable progress, including infrastructure upgrades, staff promotions and enhanced student experiences, as it prepares to admit its first freshmen as a full-fledged university

The newly renovated hostels at Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education, Owerri, stand as a beacon of progress and promise. Gleaming tiles, freshly painted walls and sturdy iron protectors on the windows now characterise what were once dreary and dilapidated buildings. The transformation is more than aesthetic; it represents a profound commitment to student welfare and academic excellence.

This revitalisation effort follows the Federal Government’s upgrade of Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education to a University of Education. At the helm of this transition was Professor Stella Lemchi, who served as the Provost of the College before the upgrade. As the second female Provost in the institution’s sixty-year history, and later as the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration), Prof. Lemchi spearheaded the renovation of some of the oldest student hostels, ensuring that the Federal Government’s revitalisation funds were used effectively. Hostel G, a male hostel, and Hostel D, a female hostel, were among the first to receive extensive upgrades. These renovations included tiling the floors, replacing doors in over 200 rooms, installing new windows, and adding iron protectors for enhanced security.

For the students, these changes have been nothing short of transformative. Adaobi Nwosu, a resident of Hostel D, describes the difference: “Before the renovations, living conditions were really tough. The rooms were small and the facilities outdated. Now, it feels like a new place entirely. The rooms are spacious, clean, and much safer.” The journey to these improvements wasn’t easy. The hostels had been in a state of disrepair for years, reflecting a broader issue of underfunding and neglect in the educational sector. The sight of broken windows, peeling paint and unreliable utilities was a daily reality for students. The dilapidated state of the hostels posed significant challenges, impacting students’ academic performance and overall well-being.

Prof. Lemchi, reflecting on the challenges faced when she first took on the role of Provost, recalls, “The state of the hostels was a major concern. Students deserve a decent place to live, where they can focus on their studies without worrying about their living conditions.”

The renovation of the hostels has had a ripple effect throughout the university. It has not only improved the living conditions of the students but has also boosted morale and fostered a sense of pride in the institution. Dr. Emmanuel Okechukwu, a senior lecturer in the Education Department, observes, “The renovated hostels have significantly boosted the morale of both students and staff. When students are happy and comfortable, it positively impacts their learning and overall university experience.”

Moreover, the successful renovation of the hostels has set a precedent for future projects. The university administration, inspired by the impact of these changes, is now looking into further infrastructural improvements and academic initiatives. The aim is to create an environment conducive to learning and personal growth, where students can thrive academically and socially.

The story of Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education’s transformation is not just about bricks and mortar; it’s about the dedication and vision of leaders like Prof Stella Lemchi, who have worked tirelessly to ensure that students receive the best possible education and support. Her leadership during the critical transition period was instrumental in leveraging government funds to bring about tangible improvements in the university’s infrastructure.

The students’ response to these changes has been overwhelmingly positive. Chike, a second-year Education major, expresses his gratitude, saying, “It’s inspiring to see how much the university cares about our well-being. It makes us want to work harder and make the most of our time here.” As Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education continues to grow and evolve, the renovated hostels stand as a symbol of what can be achieved with visionary leadership and collaborative effort.

They are a testament to the university’s commitment to providing a nurturing environment where students can excel. Prof Lemchi, with her eyes firmly set on the future, is already looking at the next set of challenges and opportunities. “This is just the beginning. There is still much work to be done, but I am confident that we are on the right path. I’m so proud of what we’ve achieved here,” she says, beaming with pride. “The renovations have completely transformed the hostels, and the students love the new facilities.”

Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education, Owerri, has a rich history that dates back to 1964 when it was established as the Federal Advanced Teachers’ College. In 1983, it was upgraded to a College of Education, and in 2019, it was transformed into a University of Education. Throughout its various stages of growth, the institution has remained committed to producing high-quality teachers and educators. As she walks through the campus during her inspection tour of the facilities at the university, Prof Stella Lemchi knows that there is still much work to be done. However, she is confident that, with her team, she can achieve anything. Her smile and sparkling eyes reflect a sense of purpose and passion, knowing that she is making a difference in the lives of those around her. “We’ve come a long way, but we’re not done yet,” she says, her voice filled with determination. “We’re committed to excellence and we won’t stop until we achieve it.”

Prof Lemchi’s academic journey began with a Federal Government scholarship to study at the Federal Government College, Okigwe. She later received the Arthur Nzeribe Scholarship for Undergraduates of Imo State and the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) Award for Thesis Writing for Post-Graduate Studies. Her research interests in textiles and clothing, entrepreneurship and skills acquisition, curriculum development and home economics education policies have led to over 75 remarkable articles in reputable journals, books and book chapters. “I’ve always been passionate about education and making a difference in the lives of my students,” she told The Nation, reflecting on her academic journey. “I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had, and I’m committed to paying it forward.”

Engagements with NUC and admission into AIFUE

Prof Lemchi’s robust engagements with the National Universities Commission (NUC) and the Federal Ministry of Education have yielded significant results. Her efforts culminated in a recent visit by a 37-member team from the NUC to the university for resource verification of proposed programmes. The panellists commended Professor Lemchi for her tremendous infrastructural transformations, upgrade of facilities and equipment, effective organisational structure, enviable leadership skills, robust human relations, and willingness to take feedback. This visit from the NUC is a testament to her commitment to elevating the university’s standards and ensuring that it meets all necessary requirements for academic excellence. The successful resource verification is a critical step towards launching new programs that will expand the university’s offerings and enhance its reputation.

During the 2023/2024 Matriculation ceremony, Prof Lemchi, in her capacity as Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, highlighted a pivotal moment in the institution’s history. “For over 40 years, our institution had collaborated with the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) to admit and produce Bachelor of Education graduates. However, with our recent upgrade to a University of Education, this batch of freshmen becomes the last matriculants in affiliation with UNN,” she announced.

She further revealed, “It is, therefore, expected that in the next academic session, the Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education, Owerri, will admit its first set of freshmen as a University.” This significant shift marks the beginning of a new era for AIFUE, positioning it as an independent institution capable of admitting and training students under its own auspices. The transition from a College of Education affiliated with UNN to a standalone University of Education underscores the institution’s growth and readiness to independently confer degrees. This change promises to bring about new opportunities and challenges, but with Prof Lemchi at the helm, the university is poised to navigate this transition smoothly. The move is expected to attract more students and further enhance the university’s academic standing.

These developments highlight Lemchi’s leadership and vision in driving the university forward. Her proactive engagements with regulatory bodies and strategic planning have set the stage for Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education to become a leading institution in the field of teacher education. But her leadership at Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education, Owerri, is not just about infrastructural achievements and academic advancements; it is deeply rooted in what students and staff members call her genuine concern for people. Her dedication to her students and staff is evident in her open-door policy, where she is always ready to listen and address their concerns. This heartfelt approach has fostered a community spirit within the university that transcends mere administrative duties.“I’m a people person, and I care deeply about the well-being of our students and members of staff,” she said, smiling warmly. “I want to make a positive impact on their lives and help them achieve their full potential.” Her commitment to excellence is both inspiring and palpable. As she walks through the campus, she is frequently stopped by students and staff who express their gratitude for her compassionate leadership and visionary approach. She listens attentively, offering words of encouragement and support, reinforcing her role as not just an administrator but as a mentor and friend. “I’m proud to be part of this community,” she said, her eyes shining with pride. “We’re a family, and we work together to achieve greatness.”

The personal touch she brings to her leadership style has made a profound impact on the university’s culture. Under her guidance, there is a palpable sense of unity and shared purpose among the university’s members. Her ability to connect with people on a personal level has not only improved morale but has also driven collective efforts towards achieving the university’s goals. Her transformative leadership has significantly impacted Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education, Owerri. Her unwavering commitment to excellence, staff welfare, student development, and infrastructural growth has positioned the institution for enduring greatness. By leading with both vision and heart, she has created an environment where students and staff alike feel valued and motivated to contribute to the university’s success.

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