Hon. Deacon Chike Okafor, member representing Ehime-Mbano/ Ihitte-Uboma and Obowo Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives wrote:
Yesterday, Sunday, 25th July, 2021, I had the rare privilege of preaching at Abundant Life Evangelical Mission, Port Harcourt, in honour of Apostle Eugene Ogu, the General Overseer and a great son of Ikenanzizi, Obowo, who recently turned 59!.

Here are some salient points I shared with the congregation:
Title: “The Price of Divine Legacy”

The making of a witness, the making of the kingdom man, with legacies doting his footprints is not on the dining table with tea and bread, the furnace of afflictions are where witnesses are made.

- You see that Joseph became the Prime Minister of Egypt, but you hardly remember that he came through the prison. We hardly remember that his brothers conspired, threw him into the pit, and he later was sold into slavery, all because they were trying to make sure his dreams of greatness did not come to pass, but they didn’t know all they were doing was pushing him closer and closer to the realisation of his dreams.
- Abraham became the only man the bible referred to as a friend of God. He was 75 years old when God called him to leave his ancestory to a place He’ll show him, and he obeyed, but he went childless for years, yet he trusted, and believed in God, and when the Son eventually came, yet he obeyed when God asked him to go and sacrifice the only son.
These are the price he had to pay. Today he’s adjudged and reverred as the father of faith, as compensation to him, even Jesus eventually came through his lineage. - David was anointed King by Samuel, but we hardly remember that time was when he had to run away from his land of birth because Saul sought to kill him. He flew to the cave in Abdullam and remained there till Saul died.

Life lesson: Avoid any Kingdom man who was NEVER in Abdullam, that means he has no scars. Avoid any real kingdom man without scars. They have no story.
It is the story that makes the glory desirable.