Ovarian Tumor Successfully Removed At Hon. Deacon Chike Okafor Free Medical/Surgical Outreach

They used to call her “nwayi a afór ya ha otua”, a woman without outrageous tummy size!
…Today, God has changed her story.

Sister Chinasa Nwachukwu, a native of Umuele Umunakanu, in Ehime Mbano LGA, Imo State, has been to several hospitals, but the Doctors she met gave her no chance. She had resigned to fate, yet, challenged her faith, when she heard about Hon. Deacon Chike Okafor Free Surgical Outreach!

Not knowing how to present her case, she went to her Bishop, who promptly gave her a strong worded appeal letter, addressed to Hon. Deacon Chike Okafor with just one request which amounted to an SOS!

Hon. Deacon Chike Okafor, for those who know him too well, does not play with anything that has to do with clergymen, so even as the Doctors insisted that such case of ovarian tumor cannot be handled in a Free Medical Outreach, Hon. Deacon Chike Okafor saw the letter from the Bishop, His Lordship, Rt. Rev.d Doctor faze Agwu, as an order, and told the Doctors to deep their forceps into the innermost recesses of their medical experience, and do their best for Sister Chinasa Nwachukwu.

Today, life has returned to this lady left for dead. Her surgery was successfully done at IMSUTH Maternal Referral centre Alike, Obowo, venue for the Surgical phase of the Hon. Deacon Chike Okafor Free Medical/Surgical Outreach for Okigwe South Federal Constituency!

To God 🙏 be the Glory!

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